Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
relationships break ups
Win Back Your Lost Love - The Magic of Making Up Review
Just like human beings, relationships are imperfect. Relationships face different problems on different aspects and being triumphant in facing pandemonium in your relationship is an amazing thing; however, the sad truth is that most relationships facing turmoil end up with relationship break ups. But even though you may find it very difficult to patch things up with your partner, did you know that most relationship breakups can still be saved, even those experiencing the worst situations you can ever imagine? Here’s a book with great breakup advice that can help you win back your lover even if your situation seems hopeless—The Magic of Making Up.
The Magic of Making Up was authored by T.W. Jackson—a man who has secretly helped 50,119 people in 77 countries. In this book, he will tell you exactly what to do and what to say to get your lover back in your arms in different unconventional ways. Most of the heartbroken have already given up on their relationships and their partners, but with The Magic of Making Up’s break up advice, there is still hope. As you can see, just like love, there is also a recipe for winning back and keeping someone’s desire, heart, interest, passion, and love. This book will tell you all of the elements and secrets for reigniting passion and recapturing lost love, leading to a successful relationship. No need to worry, though, because this is not a book with some “secret love spells” that require you to do some weird chants and stuff and all the other things that desperate people do.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Healthy Fruit Protein Shake Recipes
Apricot-Pineapple-Strawberry Shake
1 fresh apricot, diced
1/4 cup crushed pineapple
1/2 banana
6 strawberries
1 tbsp. skim milk powder
1 1/2 cup water
1 heaping tbsp. high- quality protein powder (optional)
1 tsp. flax seed oil (optional)
In a blender, process fruit with the rest of the ingredients. Blend until thoroughly mixed and serve.
Banana-Strawberry Smoothie
6 strawberries, frozen
1 banana, frozen
1 tbsp. skim milk powder
1 1/4 cup water
1 heaping tbsp. high- quality protein powder (optional)
1 tsp. flax oil (optional)
In a blender, process all the ingredients until thoroughly mixed and serve.
Tropical Shake. . .
for those who wanted to refresh, visit me here:)
Thursday, September 2, 2010
I Just Can’t Do It Now I Guess
I'm smoking, again?! It's been one of those weeks if you know what I mean. Work, my siblings, Ex boyfriend, money and the dog is driving me crazy. Not one thing in there is an excuse to smoke.
Well let's have a look at what a smoker like me has to put up with. I scanned a couple of articles in Google that After a night's sleep of around 6-8 hours, the nicotine levels in the blood are reduced to nothing - so I will have some topping up to do. I will need to have my first cigarette of the day soon after waking, my second some 30 minutes later and the third within an hour - three cigarettes to just get the day going and it's true.
(Healy's shag period)
It's been a bad day. I stoop out from our office, go downstairs,move long distances just to enjoy one single puff of a cigarette, fumes all over...My eyes gazed on something and mind puzzling. I've been doing this for almost 3 months now, puffing a cigarette alone, as in alone. Why should anyone not to smoke in the office?(laugh out loud) My opinion was that the impact on the smoker of not being able to smoke at work will depend on many reasons, including:
* the interest the smoker feels in the work, * whether or not the smoker feels valued and respected, * the quantity of stress associated with the work, * the smoker's desire to adapt into the culture of the workplace, and so forth.
well at home I have my first while I'm waiting for the kettle to boil after staggering out of bed. I have my second while drinking my 3n1 coffee and surveying the day - about 10 minutes later - and I can usually squeeze in another in between my shower, making lunches etc., about 30 minutes after that. It's a sort of shit right? Here's the thing, I liked it because: . . .
SAVE ME here
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
my new love, my blog
just drop by and everything is appreciated:) I run the website, workin on tips! Please note: I may not be a professional but I'm very passionate about giving tips and will never promote that will hurt myself thus others. My site is purely for informational purposes only and should not be used as medical advice. So with this blog I really hope to help those who feel unhappy and so glad to be of service in my own little way:)
Catch me there! http://healthyflat.com
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
:(missing you..
This idle hour just wont pass
I've never missed you this much, never thought I would,
Didn't think you'd feel so far away
And your summer perfume is still blowing through this hallway,
Autumn's amber red shadows dance
I miss our midnight spoys on excentrix,GA is gone
And so go past the lights and all the excuses
You could have left "sincerely yours"
Don't you think it's obvious that I want to say more?
Cause anything too daring to say to you,
Will be said in this letter, then burned away
So you never realize, I'm here..i'm just here...waiting:(
Friday, July 9, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
“To err is human, to forgive divine.”
I like to take that admirable adage a few steps further and say that admitting one’s mistakes, owning up to a shortcoming or just one bad moment is equally, if not more, important than forgiveness.
We all screw up, hence the above quote—we are all human beings so we are expected, at times, to do things poorly, say things in anger, misinterpret an emotion, or just plain boot a grounder at Fenway Park.
Dapyang’s keys to dealing with being human:
· Cut yourself some slack—if you were a robot then all your problems would be solved with a new microchip or a good reprogramming.
· Cut others even more slack—if we all have to jump in the pool and splash around in the muck, you do too! Forgiveness is a two-way street.
· When in doubt, send flowers—or at least send love. Some people take longer to heal, are more sensitive, need time to get over whatever you did to make them so upset with you.
· Learn from it—what’s the sense of being in the doghouse, groveling your way out, mending that fence you almost destroyed, if you just go back and do it again? Messing up can build more character than succeeding, at times.
I’m not saying that you should not always strive to do your best, just don’t take yourself too seriously. Perfectionists are some of the most miserable people on the planet. While, when you think about it, children are some of the happiest. Why do you think that is? Kids are always messing up, making mistakes, doing something they shouldn’t be doing. Yet, most of them, look at these childhood blunders as part of growing up, and learn from them. And youngsters are also some of the most forgiving creatures around, save for puppies.
“If you are not making mistakes, you are not trying, and if you are not trying you are not living.”
Sometimes life gets in the way of some of the things we want to accomplish. There’s nothing you can do about it—it’s life! Except react as best you can. Sadly, sometimes we react in the worst possible way. When that happens make the best of it:
· Learn from it
· Improve self
· Value the experience
· Earn back trust
· Love
· Inspire
· Forgive
· Enjoy
till next time= thanks. . LIVELIFE365BLOG
Thursday, July 1, 2010
sometimes i guess being human is soo hard with all its vulnerability. i dunno whats with that word but heck it scares the heck out of me. for a time being its been easier for me (a lot easier) to stay oblivious of how things felt way when i had them. it helps that i’ve got a carefree spirit, i can easily escape away from distractions or should i say things that i consider distractions, but sometimes when it come crashing down on you, you just dont know what hit ya right on. my bestfiend whose also my confidant asked me one time during our recent conversations if i AM TIRED.
NO, IM SHATTERED. and I feel those fragments of me are just floating in the air, suspended. they’re so tiny not chunks but tiny pieces of me. he stands unbelievable on my words, says how can someone so engaging can be silently shattered inside. why not? how can someone tell what the other IS feeling anyway? its not that im good at hiding what i feel but i just dont want people asking me ‘how come you’re so blah-blah-blah-blah’. for the record i dont easily spill unless i feel any connection to a person which is not that often and few only knew so im kinda safe.
then all he said was ‘blame it to hurt,youre still holding on to it’. what the heck? that sent me spinning way back into reality. it spelled in four letter word O-U-C-H! i wasnt aware of that until he said it straight to me. how much i wanted to deny his words but i couldnt. somehow he put me (again) out of words.
so be it. let the damn hurt be the culprit. he said it all out. sigh. when i couldnt say anything to parr his words that well held some truth, he calmly told me ‘i know how you’re feeling..instead of thinking what you’re missing try thinking about what you have that everyone else is missing.‘ and that THAT one made me break my silence. he listened as i told him that even im having the time of my life i still feel hollow, theres someone i long to be with but im stopping myself because things couldnt.. well you got the rest no need for me to spill.
he went on saying that in the ‘corner of my mind’ im still thinking of that someone who got away but then again i stopped ’searching for the signs’ for a second chance or for another one to come, and sometimes it occur to me that i maybe the one who got away instead of her. now that may sound egotiscal but hey he has some thought for his words. my bes loved soo much and got badly hurt again, again and again, so he may really know what hes talking about.
i was silent for awhile pondering his words. i heard him sigh saying ‘its okay to cry’.
soo my bes thought I was crying. i surprised him by laughing out loud, my hollow laugh. but then again he surprised me by his words ‘you cant fool me,you’re sad’. honestly im dried up,wanna cry but cant for some unknown reason I don’t wanna name. ‘you wanna be like me?don’t be..’ were his words to me along with it was our favorite spiel from spiderman movie ‘if I punch you,you’ll still bleed.right?’
i guess im not numb after all. what he told me hit a spot. i assured him by saying out the correct spiderman movie spiel before I’d cry: ‘punch me, I bleed.
LIFE 101
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
thank you so much...kaitlin thanks
life is too short, grudges are a waste of perfect happiness, laugh when you can, apologize when you should,and let go of what you can't change. love deeply and forgive quickly, take chances, give everything and have no regrets. life is too short to be unhappy, you have to take the good with the bad. smile when you're sad, love what you've got and always remember what you had. always forgive but never forget, learn from your mistakes but never regret...
life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. so love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't and believe everything happens for a reason. if you get a chance, take it. if it changes your life, let it. nobody said it would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it...
just live like your dying. . .from the moment you gamble your life and your heart to someone then let it flow, savor each moment, have faith.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I will never get tired. . .smoking
(my story)
It's been a bad day. I stoop out from our office, go downstairs,move long distances just to enjoy one single puff of a cigarette, fumes all over...My eyes gazed on something and mind puzzling. I've been doing this for almost 3 months now, puffing a cigarrete alone, as in alone. Why should anyone not to smoke in the office?(laugh out loud) My opinion was that the impact on the smoker of not being able to smoke at work will depend on many reasons, including:
* the interest the smoker feels in the work,
* whether or not the smoker feels valued and respected,
* the amount of stress or pressure associated with the work,
* the smoker's desire to fit into the culture of the workplace, and so forth.
well at home I have my first while I'm waiting for the kettle to boil after staggering out of bed. I have my second while drinking my 3n1 coffe and surveying the day - about 10 minutes later - and I can usually squeeze in another in between my shower, making lunches etc., about 30 minutes after that. It's a sort of shit right? I liked it because:
-I crave the taste of cigarettes.
-If I want to relax, I light up.
-If I run into a problem cigarettes help me to think clearer.
-I smoke a cigarette after a meal.
-I smoke a cigarette after I wake up.
-I smoke a cigarette after completing something (as a reward).
-I smoke while I'm with my friends.
-And the list goes on and OH my!
So what sort of day does the smoker actually have? They spend most of their time feeling stressed and anxious. The smoker is stressed about smoking: when they would be able to smoke, when they could fit it in. They are stressed because they are not smoking in relaxed conditions. The smoker is anxious when the nicotine levels are low and there is no opportunity to smoke. The smoker is stressed about the increasing pressure to stop smoking and stressed by their coughing and shortness of breath.
The smoker is also feeling resentful and fearful because of the pressures, the amount of money smoking costs and the fear of what smoking might be doing to them. If you are a smoker it is time to get help to quit and leave the controlling habit behind. Get a life that does not revolve around your next cigarette.
shoo stress, leave me alone
Bottom line: stress is NOT good. Too much of it can mess up your life so bad you’d wish you were never born!
The good news is that stress can be managed – for real. Even the busiest and richest person in this world can keep his stress levels down. Here are some things which can help you get started.
Get off your butt! Yep, good old exercise can do the trick. We all know this in theory but until you actually do it, you won’t feel the effects. You don’t have to go to the gym and do hardcore routines. Even a mere 30-minute walk or swim will do the trick. Get those endorphins flowing and you’ll breeze through your work day!
Fend off negative talk. It’s simple: stop joining office bitching sessions. When something’s not right at work – and there’s always something! – people tend to make it worse by getting together and venting. Venting is good – don’t get me wrong. Getting it off your chest is a great way to de-stress. But if you do it over and over again over the same little things, you just fan the flames. And guess who’s at the losing end?
Keep it simple. When you feel yourself becoming overwhelmed, simplify things. Break huge tasks down into more manageable pieces. Take things one step at a time. You’ll get there eventually.
beer almighty!:)
What many of us may not be aware of is that we consume way too many calories within the day. If we are aware of our caloric intake, then we can cut back and hasten the process of losing weight. Here are some tips to help you.
When you’re on a night out with friends…
Did you know that beer packs a LOT of calories? If you’re a beer drinker, your diet might be all for nothing. Instead of drinking beer, why not drink wine instead? If you cannot go without beer, then at least drink the light kind.
If you’re a cocktail person, stay away from frozen varieties. The simple reason is that the latter kind contains more mixes than the plain liquor on the rocks – more calories for slushiest!
Love those chicken wings and fries? I don’t blame you – a drinking night is not complete without some sort of bar chow. To cut back on calories, avoid the rich dips such as ranch. Instead, load up on hot sauce and salsa.
Water up! Drinking water in between glasses (or bottles) is a good way to pace yourself. This will not only help you consume less calories but it will also keep you from getting a hangover the next morning.
to smoke or not to smoke
I am at the point where I am beginning to see the negative effects of this habit. I am always short of breath – I can’t even climb the several flights of stairs to our office without gasping for breath! I know I have to do something about it. It’s not an easy task though. The other day I decided to try and quit. Yet even as I am writing this I am smoking my 3rd cigarette for the day (with coffee of course!) – and it’s not even noon yet!
Smoking is not healthy, that is a given. Yet how does one go about getting rid of this habit? I believe it all starts in the mind. There are all sorts of advice and help for those who want to quit smoking. They are useless though, unless the will to quit is there. I believe it is a decision that you have to make. Once your mind is set, then you are almost there. Otherwise, all the nicotine patches in the world will not do you any good.