Wednesday, June 16, 2010

to smoke or not to smoke

This is one of the main issues that I uncovered the other day. Truth be told, I’ve always known that smoking isn’t good for me – as most everyone would know as well. Yet there it is, I have that habit. I haven’t always been a smoker, I was what I used to call a “social smoker.” I smoked when I went out with other people, that was it. Yet somewhere along the way I picked up the habit and it is hard not to smoke, especially when I am idle.

I am at the point where I am beginning to see the negative effects of this habit. I am always short of breath – I can’t even climb the several flights of stairs to our office without gasping for breath! I know I have to do something about it. It’s not an easy task though. The other day I decided to try and quit. Yet even as I am writing this I am smoking my 3rd cigarette for the day (with coffee of course!) – and it’s not even noon yet!

Smoking is not healthy, that is a given. Yet how does one go about getting rid of this habit? I believe it all starts in the mind. There are all sorts of advice and help for those who want to quit smoking. They are useless though, unless the will to quit is there. I believe it is a decision that you have to make. Once your mind is set, then you are almost there. Otherwise, all the nicotine patches in the world will not do you any good.

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